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Characters: Red Guardian (Alexei Shostakov)

4 Stars
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Top 6 Builds
Build Popularity
5/3/5 63
4/4/5 29
5/4/4 22
4/5/4 19
3/5/5 18
5/5/3 12
DDQ Essentials
Round Token Day Date Node Character Confirmed
433 Sweet 2 Behemoth Burrito Red Guardian Confirmed
454 Savory 1 Behemoth Burrito Red Guardian Confirmed
455 Sweet 1 Crash of the Titans Red Guardian Confirmed
475 Sweet 3 Behemoth Burrito Red Guardian Confirmed
497 Sweet 4 Behemoth Burrito Red Guardian Confirmed
523 Sweet 1 Behemoth Burrito Red Guardian Confirmed
549 Sweet 1 Behemoth Burrito Red Guardian Confirmed
568 Savory 6 Behemoth Burrito Red Guardian Confirmed
579 Sweet 1 Crash of the Titans Red Guardian Confirmed
587 Sweet 3 Behemoth Burrito Red Guardian Confirmed
606 Savory 5 Behemoth Burrito Red Guardian Confirmed
626 Savory 6 Behemoth Burrito Red Guardian Confirmed
647 Sweet 4 Behemoth Burrito Red Guardian Confirmed
668 Savory 5 Behemoth Burrito Red Guardian Confirmed
690 Savory 1 Behemoth Burrito Red Guardian Unconfirmed
714 Savory 6 Behemoth Burrito Red Guardian Unconfirmed
716 Savory 1 Crash of the Titans Red Guardian Unconfirmed