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Characters: The Punisher (Dark Reign)

3 Stars
External Links
Official Forum
Top 6 Builds
Build Popularity
3/5/5 1587
5/3/5 812
5/5/3 454
4/4/5 292
5/4/4 238
4/5/4 180
DDQ Essentials
Round Token Day Date Node Character Confirmed
5 Sweet 3 Dat Required Character The Punisher Confirmed
12 Savory 1 Dat Required Character The Punisher Confirmed
19 Sweet 2 Dat Required Character The Punisher Confirmed
27 Sweet 2 Dat Required Character The Punisher Confirmed
35 Sweet 2 Dat Required Character The Punisher Confirmed
43 Sweet 2 Dat Required Character The Punisher Confirmed
51 Sweet 2 Dat Required Character The Punisher Confirmed
59 Sweet 2 Dat Required Character The Punisher Confirmed
67 Sweet 2 Dat Required Character The Punisher Confirmed
75 Sweet 2 Dat Required Character The Punisher Confirmed
83 Sweet 2 Dat Required Character The Punisher Confirmed
91 Sweet 2 Dat Required Character The Punisher Confirmed
99 Sweet 2 Dat Required Character The Punisher Confirmed
107 Sweet 2 Dat Required Character The Punisher Confirmed
115 Sweet 2 Dat Required Character The Punisher Confirmed
123 Sweet 2 Dat Required Character The Punisher Confirmed
131 Sweet 2 Dat Required Character The Punisher Confirmed
139 Sweet 3 Dat Required Character The Punisher Confirmed
147 Sweet 5 Dat Required Character The Punisher Confirmed
150 Savory 4 Behemoth Burrito The Punisher Confirmed
156 Savory 2 Dat Required Character The Punisher Confirmed
157 Sweet 5 Behemoth Burrito The Punisher Confirmed
164 Savory 5 Dat Required Character The Punisher Confirmed
165 Sweet 5 Behemoth Burrito The Punisher Confirmed
173 Sweet 3 Dat Required Character The Punisher Confirmed
175 Sweet 1 Behemoth Burrito The Punisher Confirmed
182 Savory 2 Dat Required Character The Punisher Confirmed
184 Savory 2 Behemoth Burrito The Punisher Confirmed
191 Sweet 1 Dat Required Character The Punisher Confirmed
193 Sweet 3 Behemoth Burrito The Punisher Confirmed
200 Savory 1 Dat Required Character The Punisher Confirmed
201 Sweet 3 Behemoth Burrito The Punisher Confirmed
204 Savory 2 Behemoth Burrito The Punisher Confirmed
211 Sweet 2 Dat Required Character The Punisher Confirmed
213 Sweet 4 Behemoth Burrito The Punisher Confirmed
216 Savory 4 Behemoth Burrito The Punisher Confirmed
220 Savory 4 Dat Required Character The Punisher Confirmed
225 Sweet 3 Behemoth Burrito The Punisher Confirmed
228 Savory 3 Behemoth Burrito The Punisher Confirmed
230 Savory 1 Dat Required Character The Punisher Confirmed
238 Savory 1 Behemoth Burrito The Punisher Confirmed
239 Sweet 3 Dat Required Character The Punisher Confirmed
241 Sweet 1 Behemoth Burrito The Punisher Confirmed
248 Savory 5 Dat Required Character The Punisher Confirmed
251 Sweet 2 Behemoth Burrito The Punisher Confirmed
254 Savory 2 Behemoth Burrito The Punisher Confirmed
258 Savory 2 Dat Required Character The Punisher Confirmed
265 Sweet 1 Behemoth Burrito The Punisher Confirmed
267 Sweet 4 Dat Required Character The Punisher Confirmed
268 Savory 1 Behemoth Burrito The Punisher Confirmed
277 Sweet 1 Dat Required Character The Punisher Confirmed
279 Sweet 1 Behemoth Burrito The Punisher Confirmed
282 Savory 2 Behemoth Burrito The Punisher Confirmed
287 Sweet 3 Dat Required Character The Punisher Confirmed
294 Savory 4 Behemoth Burrito The Punisher Confirmed
296 Savory 5 Dat Required Character The Punisher Confirmed
298 Savory 1 Behemoth Burrito The Punisher Confirmed
307 Sweet 2 Dat Required Character The Punisher Confirmed
309 Sweet 1 Behemoth Burrito The Punisher Confirmed
312 Savory 5 Behemoth Burrito The Punisher Confirmed
316 Savory 4 Dat Required Character The Punisher Confirmed
325 Sweet 1 Behemoth Burrito The Punisher Confirmed
326 Savory 1 Dat Required Character The Punisher Confirmed
328 Savory 5 Behemoth Burrito The Punisher Confirmed
335 Sweet 3 Dat Required Character The Punisher Confirmed
341 Sweet 3 Behemoth Burrito The Punisher Confirmed
344 Savory 5 Dat Required Character The Punisher Confirmed
345 Sweet 3 Behemoth Burrito The Punisher Confirmed
354 Savory 2 Dat Required Character The Punisher Confirmed
356 Savory 2 Dat Required Character The Punisher Confirmed
359 Sweet 5 Behemoth Burrito The Punisher Confirmed
363 Sweet 5 Behemoth Burrito The Punisher Confirmed
364 Savory 4 Dat Required Character The Punisher Confirmed
374 Savory 1 Dat Required Character The Punisher Confirmed
377 Sweet 5 Behemoth Burrito The Punisher Confirmed
382 Savory 1 Behemoth Burrito The Punisher Confirmed
383 Sweet 3 Dat Required Character The Punisher Confirmed
392 Savory 5 Dat Required Character The Punisher Confirmed
396 Savory 3 Behemoth Burrito The Punisher Confirmed
400 Savory 5 Behemoth Burrito The Punisher Confirmed
402 Savory 2 Dat Required Character The Punisher Confirmed
409 Sweet 3 Dat Required Character The Punisher Confirmed
410 Savory 3 Dat Required Character The Punisher Confirmed
415 Sweet 3 Behemoth Burrito The Punisher Confirmed
419 Sweet 5 Dat Required Character The Punisher Confirmed
420 Savory 1 Behemoth Burrito The Punisher Confirmed
429 Sweet 2 Dat Required Character The Punisher Confirmed
436 Savory 5 Behemoth Burrito The Punisher Confirmed
439 Sweet 4 Dat Required Character The Punisher Confirmed
441 Sweet 3 Behemoth Burrito The Punisher Confirmed
449 Sweet 1 Dat Required Character The Punisher Confirmed
457 Sweet 5 Behemoth Burrito The Punisher Confirmed
458 Savory 3 Dat Required Character The Punisher Confirmed
462 Savory 3 Behemoth Burrito The Punisher Confirmed
467 Sweet 5 Dat Required Character The Punisher Confirmed
477 Sweet 2 Dat Required Character The Punisher Confirmed
479 Sweet 3 Behemoth Burrito The Punisher Confirmed
484 Savory 2 Behemoth Burrito The Punisher Confirmed
486 Savory 4 Dat Required Character The Punisher Confirmed
496 Savory 1 Dat Required Character The Punisher Confirmed
501 Sweet 5 Behemoth Burrito The Punisher Confirmed
503 Sweet 5 Behemoth Burrito The Punisher Confirmed
507 Sweet 3 Dat Required Character The Punisher Confirmed
508 Savory 5 Behemoth Burrito The Punisher Confirmed
516 Savory 5 Dat Required Character The Punisher Confirmed
526 Savory 2 Dat Required Character The Punisher Confirmed
528 Savory 2 Dat Required Character The Punisher Confirmed
529 Sweet 2 Behemoth Burrito The Punisher Confirmed
534 Savory 4 Behemoth Burrito The Punisher Confirmed
537 Sweet 4 Dat Required Character The Punisher Confirmed
547 Sweet 1 Dat Required Character The Punisher Confirmed
553 Sweet 2 Behemoth Burrito The Punisher Confirmed
556 Savory 1 Dat Required Character The Punisher Confirmed
557 Sweet 7 Behemoth Burrito The Punisher Confirmed
563 Sweet 1 Dat Required Character The Punisher Confirmed
570 Savory 1 Dat Required Character The Punisher Confirmed
571 Sweet 6 Behemoth Burrito The Punisher Confirmed
576 Savory 2 Behemoth Burrito The Punisher Confirmed
577 Sweet 2 Dat Required Character The Punisher Confirmed
584 Savory 5 Dat Required Character The Punisher Confirmed
590 Savory 4 Behemoth Burrito The Punisher Confirmed
592 Savory 3 Dat Required Character The Punisher Confirmed
594 Savory 7 Behemoth Burrito The Punisher Confirmed
600 Savory 3 Dat Required Character The Punisher Confirmed
608 Savory 5 Dat Required Character The Punisher Confirmed
609 Sweet 6 Behemoth Burrito The Punisher Confirmed
614 Savory 2 Behemoth Burrito The Punisher Confirmed
617 Sweet 2 Dat Required Character The Punisher Confirmed
626 Savory 2 Dat Required Character The Punisher Confirmed
629 Sweet 7 Behemoth Burrito The Punisher Confirmed
634 Savory 3 Behemoth Burrito The Punisher Confirmed
635 Sweet 4 Dat Required Character The Punisher Confirmed
645 Sweet 1 Dat Required Character The Punisher Confirmed
650 Savory 5 Behemoth Burrito The Punisher Confirmed
654 Savory 7 Dat Required Character The Punisher Unconfirmed
655 Sweet 1 Behemoth Burrito The Punisher Confirmed
664 Savory 6 Dat Required Character The Punisher Unconfirmed
671 Sweet 3 Behemoth Burrito The Punisher Unconfirmed
674 Savory 5 Dat Required Character The Punisher Unconfirmed
675 Sweet 6 Behemoth Burrito The Punisher Unconfirmed