MPQ Gamependium

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Cousin Simpson's Roster

The Hulk (Totally Awesome)

Full details for The Hulk (Totally Awesome)
Revision Date ID Covers Level Max Level
#624 78829 5/5/3 275 550
#608 78829 5/5/3 272 550
#600 78829 5/5/3 271 550
#588 78829 5/3/4 111 250
#522 78829 5/2/4 111 229
#449 78829 5/1/4 111 213
#417 78829 5/1/3 111 192
#374 78829 4/1/3 111 172
#314 78829 3/1/3 111 152
#246 78829 2/1/3 111 131
#227 78829 2/1/2 111 111
#66 78829 2/1/2 70 111
#45 78829 1/0/1 70 74
#43 78829 1/0/0 70 70