MPQ Gamependium

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Karas88's Roster

Black Panther (King of Wakanda)

Full details for Black Panther (King of Wakanda)
Revision Date ID Covers Level Max Level
#489 484953 5/3/5 308 550
#485 484953 5/3/5 306 550
#481 484953 5/3/5 297 550
#478 484953 5/3/5 295 550
#475 484953 5/3/5 293 550
#473 484953 5/3/5 290 550
#470 484953 5/3/5 289 550
#460 484953 5/3/5 286 550
#458 484953 5/3/5 284 550
#457 484953 5/3/5 281 550
#455 484953 5/3/5 280 550
#453 484953 5/3/5 277 550
#446 484953 5/3/5 275 550
#442 484953 5/3/5 274 550
#435 484953 5/3/5 273 550
#434 484953 5/3/5 272 550
#432 484953 5/3/5 270 550
#427 484953 3/4/5 250 250
#425 484953 3/4/5 238 250
#424 484953 3/4/5 180 250
#419 484953 3/3/5 180 229
#411 484953 2/2/5 180 188
#409 484953 1/2/5 152 172
#404 484953 1/2/4 90 152
#402 484953 0/1/3 90 111
#400 484953 0/1/2 90 90
#395 484953 0/1/1 74 74