MPQ Gamependium

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LovelyMagickUnicorn's Roster

Gamora (Guardians of the Galaxy)

Full details for Gamora (Guardians of the Galaxy)
Revision Date ID Covers Level Max Level
#72 84893 5/3/5 198 550
#71 84893 5/3/5 197 550
#70 84893 5/3/5 192 550
#68 84893 5/3/5 191 550
#67 84893 5/3/5 188 550
#64 84893 5/3/5 187 550
#62 84893 5/3/5 185 550
#58 84893 5/3/5 182 550
#57 84893 5/3/5 181 550
#56 84893 5/3/5 179 550
#54 84893 5/3/5 178 550
#53 84893 5/3/5 176 550
#51 84893 5/3/5 175 550
#48 84893 5/3/5 174 550
#46 84893 4/5/4 153 550
#45 84893 2/2/1 66 66
#37 84893 1/1/1 45 45
#35 84893 1/1/0 43 43