MPQ Gamependium

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MightyPhi's Roster

The Thing (Classic)

Full details for The Thing (Classic)
Revision Date ID Covers Level Max Level
#57 33990 5/3/5 330 550
#53 33990 5/3/5 310 550
#47 33990 5/3/5 130 550
#46 33990 5/5/3 130 550
#45 33990 5/5/3 110 550
#42 33990 5/5/2 110 250
#37 33990 5/5/1 110 233
#33 33990 5/4/1 110 213
#32 33990 5/4/1 120 213
#27 33990 4/4/0 90 188
#26 33990 2/2/0 90 106
#23 33990 1/2/0 90 90
#20 33990 1/1/0 74 74
#14 33990 1/0/0 70 70