MPQ Gamependium

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OzBoz's Roster

Loki (God of Mischief)

Full details for Loki (God of Mischief)
Revision Date ID Covers Level Max Level
#614 572619 3/3/5 405 420
#613 572619 2/3/5 405 405
#607 572619 2/3/5 375 405
#597 572619 2/3/5 281 405
#593 572619 2/2/5 281 390
#592 572619 2/2/5 280 390
#550 572619 1/2/5 280 375
#549 572619 1/2/5 279 375
#547 572619 1/2/4 279 360
#542 572619 1/2/3 267 345
#541 572619 1/1/3 255 330
#540 572619 0/1/3 255 315
#539 572619 0/1/2 255 300
#535 572619 0/0/2 255 285
#528 572619 0/0/1 255 270