MPQ Gamependium

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OzBoz's Roster

The Hulk (Totally Awesome)

Full details for The Hulk (Totally Awesome)
Revision Date ID Covers Level Max Level
#568 76219 5/3/5 279 550
#550 76219 5/3/5 272 550
#528 76219 5/3/5 271 550
#527 76219 5/3/5 251 550
#526 76219 5/3/5 243 550
#521 76219 5/3/5 233 550
#486 76219 5/3/5 209 550
#485 76219 5/3/5 203 550
#480 76219 5/3/5 170 550
#430 76219 5/4/4 170 550
#426 76219 5/4/4 163 550
#410 76219 5/5/3 153 550
#403 76219 5/5/3 150 550
#394 76219 5/5/2 150 250
#388 76219 4/5/2 150 229
#361 76219 4/4/2 150 209
#332 76219 4/4/2 111 209
#331 76219 4/3/2 111 188
#330 76219 3/3/2 111 168
#329 76219 2/3/2 111 147
#326 76219 2/3/1 111 131
#304 76219 2/2/1 111 111
#246 76219 2/2/1 90 111
#244 76219 2/2/1 80 111
#241 76219 2/1/1 80 94
#240 76219 2/1/1 78 94
#92 76219 1/1/1 78 78
#83 76219 1/1/1 74 78
#74 76219 1/1/0 74 74
#71 76219 1/1/0 70 74
#37 76219 1/0/0 70 70