MPQ Gamependium

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Ronin-san's Roster

Gamora (Guardians of the Galaxy)

Full details for Gamora (Guardians of the Galaxy)
Revision Date ID Covers Level Max Level
#150 967 3/5/5 247 550
#146 967 3/5/5 242 550
#145 967 3/5/5 218 550
#144 967 3/5/5 216 550
#142 967 3/5/5 184 550
#137 967 3/5/5 178 550
#134 967 3/5/5 173 550
#125 967 3/5/5 169 550
#122 967 3/5/5 154 550
#118 967 3/5/5 142 550
#117 967 3/5/5 136 550
#115 967 3/5/5 131 550
#57 967 3/5/5 130 550
#46 967 3/5/5 120 550
#25 967 4/5/4 120 550
#11 967 4/5/4 130 550
#2 967 4/5/4 120 550
#1 967 4/5/4 40 550