MPQ Gamependium

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Slf03c's Roster

Howard The Duck (Howard, A Duck)

Full details for Howard The Duck (Howard, A Duck)
Revision Date ID Covers Level Max Level
#1044 140166 4/4/5 296 550
#1037 140166 4/4/5 292 550
#977 140166 4/4/5 180 550
#690 140166 4/4/5 125 550
#689 140166 4/4/5 120 550
#687 140166 3/3/3 120 188
#685 140166 3/3/3 115 188
#680 140166 3/2/3 115 168
#488 140166 2/2/3 115 147
#486 140166 1/1/3 90 115
#483 140166 1/1/2 78 94