MPQ Gamependium

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TazFTW's Roster

The Thing (Classic)

Full details for The Thing (Classic)
Revision Date ID Covers Level Max Level
#43 15874 4/4/5 250 550
#41 15874 4/3/5 173 250
#40 15874 4/3/3 173 209
#37 15874 4/2/2 166 168
#36 15874 4/2/2 155 168
#35 15874 4/2/2 140 168
#34 15874 4/2/2 130 168
#33 15874 4/2/2 115 168
#32 15874 4/2/2 105 168
#31 15874 4/2/2 100 168
#30 15874 4/2/2 95 168
#29 15874 3/2/2 85 147
#28 15874 1/2/2 80 111
#25 15874 1/2/2 75 111
#24 15874 1/2/2 70 111
#22 15874 0/2/2 70 106
#21 15874 0/1/2 70 90
#1 15874 0/0/1 70 70