MPQ Gamependium

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The Viceroy's Roster

Black Panther (King of Wakanda)

Full details for Black Panther (King of Wakanda)
Revision Date ID Covers Level Max Level
#280 478349 4/4/5 327 550
#279 478349 4/4/5 324 550
#276 478349 4/4/5 312 550
#275 478349 4/4/5 307 550
#274 478349 4/4/5 306 550
#273 478349 4/4/5 302 550
#272 478349 4/4/5 301 550
#270 478349 4/4/5 297 550
#267 478349 4/4/5 295 550
#266 478349 4/4/5 293 550
#263 478349 4/4/5 287 550
#261 478349 4/4/5 285 550
#260 478349 4/4/5 284 550
#258 478349 4/4/5 283 550
#250 478349 4/4/5 282 550
#247 478349 4/4/5 280 550
#246 478349 4/4/5 279 550
#245 478349 4/4/5 278 550
#243 478349 4/4/5 277 550
#242 478349 4/4/5 276 550
#240 478349 4/4/5 275 550
#237 478349 4/4/5 274 550
#226 478349 4/4/5 273 550
#225 478349 2/4/5 175 229
#224 478349 2/4/4 175 209
#223 478349 1/3/4 172 172
#216 478349 0/2/1 90 90
#214 478349 0/2/1 70 90
#213 478349 0/1/1 70 74