MPQ Gamependium

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The Viceroy's Roster

Loki (God of Mischief)

Full details for Loki (God of Mischief)
Revision Date ID Covers Level Max Level
#279 560058 5/5/3 453 550
#277 560058 5/5/3 450 550
#276 560058 5/3/4 426 435
#275 560058 4/2/4 335 405
#274 560058 4/2/4 315 405
#273 560058 4/1/4 315 390
#267 560058 4/1/3 315 375
#242 560058 4/0/2 315 345
#237 560058 3/0/0 300 300
#233 560058 3/0/0 255 300