MPQ Gamependium

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byc's Roster

The Hood (Classic)

Full details for The Hood (Classic)
Revision Date ID Covers Level Max Level
#84 66851 5/5/3 206 550
#78 66851 5/5/3 200 550
#69 66851 5/5/3 197 550
#56 66851 5/5/3 193 550
#51 66851 5/5/3 191 550
#47 66851 5/5/3 185 550
#43 66851 5/5/3 184 550
#42 66851 5/5/3 180 550
#41 66851 5/5/3 179 550
#33 66851 5/5/3 178 550
#30 66851 5/5/3 171 550
#19 66851 5/4/4 130 550
#8 66851 5/3/4 127 153
#1 66851 4/2/4 127 127