MPQ Gamependium

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matthatter's Roster

The Hood (Classic)

Full details for The Hood (Classic)
Revision Date ID Covers Level Max Level
#78 20323 5/5/3 259 550
#74 20323 5/5/3 258 550
#70 20323 5/5/3 255 550
#66 20323 5/5/3 244 550
#62 20323 5/5/3 238 550
#57 20323 5/5/3 237 550
#56 20323 5/5/3 236 550
#54 20323 5/5/3 235 550
#47 20323 5/5/3 233 550
#44 20323 5/5/3 222 550
#40 20323 5/5/3 202 550
#38 20323 5/5/3 200 550
#36 20323 5/5/3 199 550
#32 20323 5/5/3 198 550
#30 20323 5/5/3 196 550
#26 20323 5/5/3 188 550
#14 20323 5/5/3 169 550
#11 20323 5/5/3 166 550
#7 20323 5/4/2 117 140
#3 20323 5/3/1 117 117