MPQ Gamependium

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optimus2861's Roster

Gamora (Guardians of the Galaxy)

Full details for Gamora (Guardians of the Galaxy)
Revision Date ID Covers Level Max Level
#275 27005 3/5/5 186 550
#273 27005 3/5/5 185 550
#271 27005 3/5/5 183 550
#266 27005 3/5/5 176 550
#261 27005 3/5/5 173 550
#251 27005 3/5/5 172 550
#247 27005 5/5/3 171 550
#245 27005 5/5/3 170 550
#236 27005 5/5/3 169 550
#219 27005 5/5/3 168 550
#177 27005 5/5/3 142 550
#127 27005 5/5/3 141 550
#98 27005 5/5/3 140 550
#91 27005 5/5/3 139 550
#64 27005 5/5/3 137 550
#58 27005 5/5/3 136 550
#47 27005 5/5/3 135 550
#32 27005 5/5/3 134 550
#26 27005 5/5/3 133 550
#15 27005 5/5/3 132 550
#5 27005 5/5/3 131 550
#3 27005 5/5/3 40 550