MPQ Gamependium

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optimus2861's Roster

Thor (Goddess of Thunder)

Full details for Thor (Goddess of Thunder)
Revision Date ID Covers Level Max Level
#291 26992 5/3/5 300 550
#286 26992 5/3/5 297 550
#282 26992 5/3/5 288 550
#279 26992 5/3/5 285 550
#278 26992 5/3/5 284 550
#276 26992 5/3/5 281 550
#275 26992 5/3/5 276 550
#269 26992 5/3/5 275 550
#259 26992 5/3/5 272 550
#256 26992 5/3/5 271 550
#255 26992 5/2/5 250 250
#253 26992 5/2/5 234 250
#252 26992 5/2/5 208 250
#249 26992 5/2/5 184 250
#247 26992 5/2/5 180 250
#246 26992 5/2/5 178 250
#245 26992 5/2/4 176 229
#244 26992 5/2/4 174 229
#242 26992 5/2/4 167 229
#240 26992 5/2/4 150 229
#236 26992 5/2/4 148 229
#233 26992 5/2/4 130 229
#232 26992 5/2/4 126 229
#230 26992 5/2/4 106 229
#222 26992 5/2/4 100 229
#212 26992 5/2/3 98 209
#207 26992 5/1/3 98 192
#204 26992 5/1/3 96 192
#198 26992 4/1/3 96 172
#195 26992 4/1/3 94 172
#193 26992 2/1/3 94 131
#182 26992 2/1/2 94 111
#77 26992 2/1/1 94 94
#23 26992 1/1/1 78 78
#9 26992 0/1/1 74 74
#3 26992 0/1/1 70 74