MPQ Gamependium

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stochasticism's Roster

Gamora (Guardians of the Galaxy)

Full details for Gamora (Guardians of the Galaxy)
Revision Date ID Covers Level Max Level
#293 79994 5/5/3 236 550
#271 79994 5/5/3 224 550
#269 79994 5/5/3 217 550
#265 79994 5/5/3 216 550
#261 79994 5/5/3 215 550
#258 79994 5/5/3 214 550
#252 79994 5/5/3 212 550
#249 79994 5/5/3 211 550
#240 79994 5/5/3 205 550
#228 79994 5/5/3 202 550
#224 79994 5/5/3 201 550
#218 79994 5/5/3 198 550
#217 79994 5/5/3 197 550
#211 79994 5/5/3 196 550
#209 79994 5/5/3 192 550
#201 79994 5/5/3 190 550
#198 79994 5/5/3 189 550
#193 79994 5/5/3 188 550
#184 79994 5/5/3 187 550
#171 79994 5/5/3 186 550
#166 79994 5/5/3 185 550
#158 79994 5/5/3 184 550
#142 79994 5/5/3 183 550
#141 79994 5/5/3 182 550
#132 79994 5/5/3 181 550
#117 79994 5/5/3 180 550
#116 79994 5/5/3 179 550
#113 79994 5/5/3 176 550
#94 79994 5/5/3 175 550
#92 79994 5/5/3 174 550
#89 79994 5/5/3 173 550
#72 79994 5/5/3 172 550
#62 79994 5/5/3 170 550
#55 79994 5/5/3 169 550
#46 79994 5/5/3 168 550
#39 79994 5/5/3 167 550
#5 79994 5/5/3 140 550