MPQ Gamependium

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stochasticism's Roster

Thor (Goddess of Thunder)

Full details for Thor (Goddess of Thunder)
Revision Date ID Covers Level Max Level
#303 80046 5/3/5 309 550
#293 80046 5/3/5 306 550
#274 80046 5/3/5 303 550
#271 80046 5/3/5 302 550
#258 80046 5/3/5 295 550
#249 80046 5/3/5 293 550
#240 80046 5/3/5 291 550
#232 80046 5/3/5 290 550
#230 80046 5/3/5 287 550
#222 80046 5/3/5 283 550
#199 80046 5/3/5 282 550
#198 80046 5/3/5 280 550
#193 80046 5/3/5 279 550
#173 80046 5/3/5 277 550
#164 80046 5/3/5 276 550
#160 80046 3/5/5 276 550
#157 80046 3/5/5 275 550
#124 80046 3/5/5 152 550
#92 80046 3/5/4 152 250
#40 80046 1/5/3 152 192
#23 80046 1/5/2 152 172
#20 80046 1/4/2 140 152
#6 80046 0/4/2 140 147