MPQ Gamependium

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tinykitty's Roster

The Thing (Classic)

Full details for The Thing (Classic)
Revision Date ID Covers Level Max Level
#87 16997 5/3/5 313 550
#84 16997 5/3/5 295 550
#76 16997 5/3/5 290 550
#71 16997 5/3/5 285 550
#69 16997 5/3/5 281 550
#67 16997 5/3/5 279 550
#65 16997 5/3/5 278 550
#64 16997 5/3/5 277 550
#60 16997 5/3/5 274 550
#58 16997 5/3/5 273 550
#55 16997 5/3/5 272 550
#24 16997 5/3/5 155 550
#21 16997 4/4/5 155 550
#18 16997 4/4/4 155 250
#16 16997 4/2/4 155 209
#15 16997 4/2/4 140 209
#10 16997 4/2/3 140 188
#1 16997 2/2/3 140 147