MPQ Gamependium

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Aureatian's Roster


Level and Cover Differences from the Previous Revision
Character Style Raritiy ID Levels Covers
Abomination Emil Blonsky 4 753407 +70 Green +1, Purple +1
Arcade King of PWN 3 752842 0 Black +1
Beast Age of Apocalypse 4 739109 0 Green +1
Black Knight Dane Whitman 4 752829 0 Yellow +1
Echo Maya Lopez 4 752832 0 Black +1
Hit-Monkey Mercenary Hitman 3 752844 0 Black +1
Reptil Humberto Lopez 4 753408 +70 Yellow +1
Storm Ororo Munroe 5 753406 +255 Yellow +1
Taskmaster Tony Masters 4 752841 0 Red +1
Covers per Rarity
Rarity Covers
3 Stars 2
4 Stars 7
5 Stars 1